little monkey

by Elws. Starnight

Flood in Germany

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: en,
In our opinion, the media, at least here in Austria, reported with comparatively insufficient coverage about the recent devastating flood in Western Germany. The destruction is enormous. Over 1,000 people are missing. The small town of Schuld in the Ahr Valley was badly hit. One family could only save themselves on the roof, other houses have collapsed or torn away, it looks like after a tsunami. The best way to get an impression of the disaster is to look at the pictures:, Belgium and the Netherlands were also hit: Internet, cellular and telephone were down. Most of the cell phone base stations are now back on power, but many of the fiber optic cables have been torn off, f.i. because they were routed across torn bridges. In some areas there will be no internet until 2022. In many places, electricity and water also have to be built from scratch; that's going to take time.

Hochwasser in Deutschland

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: de,
Über das verheerende Hochwasser unlängst im Westen Deutschlands ist unserer Meinung nach in den Medien zumindest hier in Österreich nur vergleichsweise unzureichend berichtet worden. Dabei sind die Zerstörungen enorm. Über 1.000 Menschen werden vermisst. Stark getroffen war die Kleinstadt Schuld im Ahrtal. Eine Familie konnte sich nur aufs Dach retten, andere Häuser sind eingestürzt oder weggerissen, es sieht aus wie nach einem Tsunami. Am besten kann man sich in Bildern einen Eindruck von der Katastrophe verschaffen:, Auch Belgien und die Niederlande wurden getroffen: Internet, Mobilfunk und Telefon waren ausgefallen. Inzwischen haben die meisten Mobilfunk-Basisstationen wieder Strom, doch sind viele der Glasfaserkabeln, wie über weggerissene Brücken geleitet, abgerissen. In manchen Gebieten wird es bis 2022 kein Internet geben. Auch Strom und Wasser müssen vielerorts von Grund auf neu gebaut werden; das wird dauern.

Figura clave de Cum-Ex arrestada

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: es,
El abogado Hanno Berger, buscado como arquitecto de Cum-Ex, fue arrestado el 7 de julio en Graubünden, Suiza, según el fiscal general de Frankfurt. Actualmente se resiste a la extradición a Alemania. El Augsburger Allgemeine informó el 27 de julio que todavía se encuentra bajo custodia de extradición en Suiza. Cum-Ex es el mayor escándalo de fraude fiscal en la historia fiscal de Alemania, en el que los impuestos que nunca eram pagados se “reembolsaron” sobre los costos del estado. También se tomó una decisión importante recientemente en Karlsruhe: los jueces más altos dictaminaron que Cum-Ex era criminal y no solo ilegal y que, por lo tanto, los delitos penales aún no están prescritos por la ley ( 28/07/2021).

Pivô de Cum-Ex preso

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: pt,
O advogado Hanno Berger, procurado como arquiteto de Cum-Ex, foi preso no dia 7 de julho em Graubünden, Suíça, de acordo com o procurador-geral de Francoforte. Ele está atualmente resistindo à extradição para a Alemanha. O Augsburger Allgemeine relatou em 27 de julho que ele ainda esta sob custódia de extradição na Suíça. Cum-Ex é o maior escândalo de fraude na história tributária da Alemanha, no qual impostos que nunca foram pagos foram “reembolsados” sobre os custos do estado. Uma decisão importante também foi feita recentemente em Karlsruhe: Os mais altos juízes determinaram que Cum-Ex era criminal e não apenas ilegal e que, portanto, os infrações penais ainda não são prescrevidos por lei ( 28/07/2021).

Cum-Ex key figure arrested

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: en,
According to the Frankfurt Public Prosecutor's Office, the lawyer Hanno Berger, wanted as cum-ex architect, was arrested on July 7th in Graubünden, Switzerland. He is currently resisting extradition to Germany. The Augsburger Allgemeine reported on July 27th that he is still in custody of extradition in Switzerland. Cum-Ex is the biggest fraud scandal in German tax history, in which taxes that were never paid were “refunded” on state costs. An important decision also lately had to be made in Karlsruhe: The highest judges ruled that Cum-Ex was criminal and not just illegal and that the criminal offenses are therefore not yet statute-barred ( 07/28/2021).