little monkey

by Elws. Starnight

Chancellor Kurz resigns

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: en,
Chancellor Kurz has announced his resignation, but rejects any guilt. — … are ahead. Can't we turn this around? Yes we can. — In view of what we know from the chat logs, an apology without exclusive reference to wording would likely have been appropriate. That there was nothing with reference to his white vest is likely not true, even if the accusations should not be substantiated under criminal law. After all, he has cleared the way for a continuation of the black-green coalition.

Bundeskanzler Kurz tritt zurück

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: de,
Bundeskanzler Kurz hat seinen Rücktritt erklärt, weist jedoch jede Schuld von sich. — … liegen vorn. Können wir das nicht umdrehen? Ja können wir. — Angesichts von dem was uns aus den Chatprotokollen bekannt ist, wäre eine Entschuldigung ohne ausschließlichen Verweis auf Formulierungen wohl angebracht gewesen. Daß mit Verweis auf seine weiße Weste nichts war, ist wohl nicht richtig, auch wenn sich die Beschuldigungen strafrechtlich nicht erhärten sollten. Immerhin hat er den Weg frei gemacht für eine Fortsetzung der Schwarz-Grünen Koalition.

Actúe agora: no se debiliten las normas de seguridad para los nuevos OMG

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: es,
La industria de la biotecnología está conducindo una batalla contínua de cabildeo para excluir los nuevos OGM de los actuales controles de seguridad, del monitoreo o del etiquetado a los consumidores europeos. La Comisión Europea acaba de lanzar una consulta pública, que solo se extenderá hasta el 22 de octubre de 2021. Hasta ahora, el proceso ha estado muy sesgado a favor de la industria biotecnológica. ¡Es importante que su voz se escuche ahora! En 2018, el tribunal más alto de la UE decidió que las regulaciones actuales deben aplicarse a los nuevos OGM. Ahora los políticos quieren alterar las reglas para que no se apliquen a nuevos métodos de manipulación genética.

Aga agora: Sem enfraquecimento das regras de segurança para novos OGM

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: pt,
A indústria de biotecnologia está conduzindo uma batalha contínua de lobby para excluir os novos OGM das atuais verificações de segurança, monitoramento ou rotulagem ao consumidor na Europa. A Comissão Europeia acaba de lançar uma consulta pública, que decorrerá apenas até 22 de outubro de 2021. Até agora, o processo tem sido altamente tendencioso a favor da indústria da biotecnologia. É importante que sua voz seja ouvida agora! Em 2018, o mais alto tribunal da UE decidiu que os regulamentos atuais também devem ser aplicados a novos OGM. Agora os políticos querem alterar as regras para que não se apliquem a novos métodos de manipulação de genes.

Take action: No weakening of safety rules for new GMOs

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: en,
The biotech industry is waging an ongoing lobby battle to exclude new GMOs from current European safety checks, monitoring, or consumer labelling. The European Commission has just launched a public consultation, which will only run until 22 October 2021. So far, the process has been highly biased in favour of the biotech industry. It's important to have your voice heard now! In 2018 the EU’s highest court ruled that that the current regulations must be applied to new GMOs. Now politicians want to alter the rules so that they do not apply for new gene manipulation methods any more.