little monkey

by Elws. Starnight

New CAP / Bee ECI / Glyphosate

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: en,
Even the newly revised CAP will not meet the high goals of the European Green Deal (EGD). The EGD requires a reduction of nutrient losses by 50% like those seeping into ground water which would amount to a reduction of 20% in fertilizer use. However continued subsidies for stables contradict this while more extensive pasture farming would be necessary. A respective reduction in mineral fertilizer use would also be necessary. Germany wants to bound livestocks to the farming land area. Meeting a 50% reduction in pesticide use would require a respective information and education campaign as well as duties on pesticide use. The 1.1 million signatures of the bee ECI (European Citizen Initiative) demand an 80% reduction till 2030 and 100% till 2035, which would also accomodate to save biodiversity (1). Not even a ban on Glyphosate until 2022 is pending. According to renown scientists 18 studies in use continue to be unsound, 15 partially sound and only two fully sound (2). This even though there had been a successful EBI to uncover secret, paid industry studies, so that it would be possible to point out how defective they are. However the GAP will meet the goal to have 10% of the land for nature. While Germany seeks for 30% in ecological farming the GAP will require 25%.

Neue GAP / Bienen EBI / Glyphosat

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: de,
Auch die neu überarbeitete Version des GAP kann den hohen Zielen des Europäischen Green Deals (EGD) nicht ausreichend gerecht werden. Dieser will etwa eine 50% Reduktion von Nährstoffverlusten wie ins Grundwasser und damit eine Reduktion Düngemitteleinsatzes um 20% erreichen. Dem widerspricht aber eine weitere Förderung von Stallkapazitäten anstatt vermehrt auf extensive Weidewirtschaft zu setzen. Auch wäre eine entsprechende Reduktion des Mineraldüngereinsatzes zu erreichen. Deutschland will immerhin den Viehbestand an die Agrarfläche binden. Einer Reduktion von 50% des Pestizideinsatzes fehlt eine Pestizidabgabe und ein entsprechendes Bildungs und Informationsangebot. Die mit 1,1 Millionen Unterschriften erfolgreiche Bienen-EBI (Europäische Bürgerinitiative) fordert eine Reduktion von 80% bis 2030 und 100% bis 2035, was auch für den Erhalt der Biodiversität richtig wäre (1). Nicht einmal eine Abschaffung von Glyphosat 2022 steht im Raum, da laut renomierter Wissenschaftler 18 der für die Verwendung vorgesehenen Studien weiterhin nicht zuverlässig sind, 15 teilweise zuverlässig und nur zwei zuverlässig (2). Dabei hat es auch hier eine erfolgreiche EBI zur Offenlegung geheimer, bezahlter Industriestudien gegeben, um deren schwere Mangelhaftigkeit aufzeigen zu können. Das Ziel von 10% Naturflächen wird in der GAP hingegen wohl erreicht werden. Deutschland will mit 30% einen noch höheren BIO Anteil erreichen als die GAP mit 25%.

Propuesta legal de la UE debe detener la deforestación

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: es,

Productos vinculados a deforestación como la carne de res, el aceite de palma y el cacao tendrán prohibido ingresar a la Unión Europea en virtud de una propuesta legal histórica. Sin embargo deja de lado la protección de ecosistemas frágiles como la sabana del Cerrado en Brasil y los humedales en el sudeste asiático, argumenta el director de Mighty Earth Europe. La propuesta actual tampoco se aplica al caucho. Para luchar con éxito contra la deforestación, los principales mercados como China y EE. UU. tendrían que hacer lo mismo y limpiar su cadena de suministro. Entre 1990 y 2008 el consumo de la UE originó el 10% de la deforestación mundial.

Alemania decididó suprimir el aceite de palma en los agrocombustibles hasta 2023. Esta ha sido una decisión atrasada. Francia eliminó el aceite de palma en los biocombustibles en 2020 y Austria en julio de 2021. Sin embargo en cuanto como conocido el uso de aceite de palma en las centrales elétricas no está incluido en la nueva decisión, ni aceite de palama como parte de aceites de fritura (vea

Proposta legal da UE deve parar o desmatamento

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: pt,

Produtos ligados ao dematamento como carne bovina, óleo de palma e cacau dever ser proibidos de entrar na União Europeia por uma proposta legal histórica. No entanto, ainda deixa de fora a proteção de ecossistemas frágeis, como a savana do Cerrado no Brasil e os pântanos no sudeste da Ásia, argumenta el director do Mighty Earth Europe. A proposta atual também não se aplica à borracha. Para combater o desmatamento com sucesso os principais mercados como a China e os EUA precisariam seguir o exemplo e limpiar sua cadeia de suprimentos. Entre 1990 e 2008 o consumo da UE levou a 10% do desmatamento global.

A Alemanha decidiu eliminar o óleo de palma nos agrocombustíveis até 2023. Esta foi uma decisão atrasada. A França eliminou o óleo de palma dos biocombustíveis em 2020 e a Áustria em julho de 2021. No entanto, tanto quanto conhecido uso de óleo de palma em usinas de energia não está incluído na nova decisão, nem óleo de palma como parte de óleo para fritar (veja

EU legal proposal shall stop deforestation

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: en,

Products linked to deforestation like beef, palm oil and cocoa shall be banned from entering the European Union under a new landmark legal proposal. However it still leaves out other fragile ecosystems, such as Brazil’s Cerrado savannah and peatlands in south-east Asia, argues the director of Mighty Earth Europe. The current proposal also does not apply to rubber. In order to successfully fight deforestation major markets like China and the US would need to follow suit and also clean up their supply chains. Between 1990 and 2008 the EU consumption led to 10% of global deforestation.

Germany has decided to ban palm oil in agrofuels until 2023. This has been an overdue decision. France has eliminated palm oil in biofuels back in 2020 and Austria in July 2021. However as far as known use of palm oil by power plants is not included in the new decision, nor palm oil as part of old chip fat (see: