little monkey

by Elws. Starnight

COP26: Making NDCs comparable

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: en,
We have tried to make the NDCs (nationally determined commitments) that is the GHG (greenhouse gas) reduction committments of the top four emitters in this sequence 1:China, 2:USA, 3:India, 4:EU-28 comparable. The -50% of the US can not directly be compared with the -55% of the EU as the US calculates with a base year of high emissions that is 2005 and the EU with an elder year of low emissions that is 1990. We believe Joe Biden could in deed do more. Time and again we hear from protesters against tar sands and fracked gas infrastructure to be arrested. Tar sands are the dirtiest fossil fuels and they shall at best be ditched immediately. China´s target of -65%/2005 in relation to the GDP (gross domestic product) until 2030 is ambitious though it starts from a high level. Since the target varies on the level of future economic growth it is rather hard to say how it relates to the EU target of -55%. India´s -33% of GDP/2005 are least ambitious. Because of the economic growth the reductions is actually less than it appears to be. We think Narendra Modi could do more. India is planning to expand its coal mining by 37% until 2024 because India´s demand for coal is actually higher than what can be imported. An article in the Guardian says that India would currently not need to face an energy shortage if it had invested more in renewable energies. We will update our calculations here once we have new or better data.

COP26: NDCs vergleichbar machen

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: de,
Wir haben versucht die NDCs (nationale Reduktionsverpflichtungen) der Top-Emitter in dieser Reihenfolge 1:China, 2:USA, 3:Indien, 4:EU-28 vergleichbar zu machen. Die -50% der USA können nicht direkt mit den -55% der EU verglichen werden, da die USA mit einem Basisjahr hoher Emissionen von 2005 und die EU mit einem Jahr niedriger Emissionen von 1990 rechnen. Wir glauben Joe Biden könnte in der Tat mehr tun. Wir hören immer wieder, daß Protestierende gegen Teersand und Fracking Pipelines arrestiert werden. Teersande sind die schmutzigsten fossilen Brennstoffe und müßten am besten gleich abgeschafft werden. Chinas Ziel von -65%/2005 in Bezug auf das BIP (Bruttoinlandsprodukt) bis 2030 ist ehrgeizig, wenn es auch von einer hohen Basis ausgeht. Da das Ziel nach dem künftigen Wirtschaftswachstum variiert, ist schwer zu sagen, wie es sich mit dem EU-Ziel von -55% vergleicht. Indiens -33% des BIP/2005 sind am wenigsten ehrgeizig. Aufgrund des wirtschaftlichen Wachstums ist die Reduktionsverpflichtung tatsächlich geringer, als es scheint. Wir denken, daß Narendra Modi mehr tun könnte. Indien plant, seinen Kohlebergbau bis 2024 um 37% auszubauen, da die Nachfrage Indiens nach Kohle sonst über Importe nur mehr unzureichend abgedeckt werden könnte. Ein Artikel im Guardian sagt, daß Indien derzeit erst gar kein Problem mit der Deckung des Energiebedarfs hätte, wenn es zuvor mehr in erneuerbare Energien investiert hätte. Wir werden unsere Berechnungen hier aktualisieren, sobald wir neue oder bessere Daten haben.

COP26 protección de las florestas: ¡Solo aire caliente!

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: es,
Los líderes como Xi Jinping, Jair Bolsonaro y Joe Biden han presentado un nuevo acuerdo para detener y invertir la deforestación hasta 2030. Los principales países florestales como Brasil, la República Democrática del Congo y Papua Nueva Guinea firmarán la obligación. ¡Lamentablemente, permitirá otra década de destrucción de las florestas! Esto es demasiado. El Amazonas ya está al borde y no puede sobrevivir a los años más de la deforestación. Los pueblos indígenas están pidiendo que el 80% del Amazonas se proteja por 2025. De lo contrario, el resto del Amazonas podría tornarse en sabana. También se debe dudar que Bolsonaro incluso cumpliría con este acuerdo enteramente voluntario. La Declaración de Nueva York 2014 tampoco fue seguida. Hubiera exigido un fin de la deforestación en las cadenas de suministro hasta 2020. Bolsonaro está actualmente preparando un nuevo paquete de ley que fomentara la deforestación. ¡Con la falta de acción para reducir la demanda de carne industrial y productos lácteos, no hay una oportunidad de protección forestal que sea efectiva! Es por eso que todavía necesitamos la Ley Europea de Protección Forestal.
enlace principal: éxito contra la deforestación en Indonesia y Malasia / ver también la Declaración de Greenpeace.
NRDC: What is happening at COP26?

COP26 proteção das florestas: apenas ar quente!

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: pt,
Líderes como Xi Jinping, Jair Bolsonaro e Joe Biden apresentaram um novo acordo para deter e reverter o desmatamento até 2030. Principais países florestais como o Brasil, a República Democrática do Congo e a Papua Nova Guiné, todos assinarão o comprometimento. Infelizmente, permitirá outra década de destruição florestal! Isso é demais. A Amazônia já está à beira e não pode sobreviver mais anos de desmatamento. Os povos indígenas estão pedindo 80% da Amazônia a serem protegidos até 2025. Caso contrário, o resto da Amazônia poderia se voltar em savana. Há também pouca chance que Bolsonaro vai obedecer mesmo a este Acordo que é inteiramente voluntário. A Declaração de Nova Iorque de 2014 também não foi respeitada. Teria exigido um fim de desmatamento em cadeias de fornecimento até 2020. Bolsonaro ainda está preparando um novo pacote de lei que incentivar o desmatamento. Com a falta de ação para reduzir a demanda por carne industrial e laticínios, não há nenhuma possílidade para uma proteção florestal que seja eficaz! É por isso que ainda precisamos da lei européia de proteção florestal.
link principal: sucesso contra o desmatamento na Indonésia e na Malásia / veja também a declaração do Greenpeace
NRDC: What is happening at COP26?

COP26 Forest Protection: Just Hot Air!

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: en,
Leaders like Xi Jinping, Jair Bolsonaro and Joe Biden have presented a new agreement to halt and reverse deforestation by 2030. Major forested countries like Brazil, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Papua New Guinea will all sign the commitment. Unfortunately it will allow for another decade of forest destruction! This is too much. The Amazon is already on the brink and can’t survive years more of deforestation. Indigenous Peoples are calling for 80% of the Amazon to be protected by 2025. Otherwise the rest of the Amazon could turn in to savannah. There is also little chance Bolsonaro would even abide by this entirely voluntary agreement. The 2014 New York Declaration was not abided to either. It would have demanded an end of deforestation in supply chains until 2020. Bolsonaro is currently still preparing a new law package that would encourage deforestation. With the lack of action to reduce demand for industrial meat and dairy there is no chance forest protection would be effective! That is why we still need the European forest protection law.
main link: success against deforestation in Indonesia and Malaysia / see also statement of Greenpeace.
NRDC: What is happening at COP26?