little monkey

by Elws. Starnight

deblive, Extensible Debian Live v1.1

Category: programs,
Source: LinuxSW,
Language: en,
The deblive CD has been updated for many new programs and some new features: ddrescue, gparted, smartctl (hdd health), konversation (IRC), falkon (web browser), twinkle (VoIP), telegram (chatting), kdiff3, kwrite and wine. The programs to create own installs in pydeps have also been freshened: contrib + two blue ray support, improved dependency analysis. uniq-unsorted helps in extending existing copy and install lists. When booting via Grub there is an own menu entry for Flashrom now. The default boot menu entry is booted after 8 seconds now which is especially useful when the BIOS should block USB keyboard access. The first version of this scriptset has been published together with debcheckroot.

Resistência local no terreno

Category: general,
Source: action,
Link: about:blank,
Language: pt,

Na Louisiana, EUA, os policiais do estado foram contratados ilegalmente como segurança privada para executar um projeto de oleoduto para oleo de fracking contra cidadãos particulares. Assista ao vídeo e leia o artigo no Dallas Morning News. Você também pode apoiar o protesto contra o pipeline diretamente.

Os membros do também poderiam utilizar uma doação, pois eles estão próximos ao obter uma moratória em novas instalações de exportação de combustíveis fósseis no Condado de Whatcom. O grande petróleo faz de tudo para intimidar a comunidade, ameaçando com ações judiciais e até tentando comprar eleições. Isso poderia estabelecer uma precedência para outras comunidades.

Local Resistence on the Ground

Category: general,
Source: action,
Link: about:blank,
Language: en,

In Louisiana, USA law enforcement officers were illegally hired as private security to enforce a fracked oil pipeline project against private citizens. Watch the video and read the article int the Dallas Morning News. You may also support the protest against the pipeline directly.

You may want to support members as well as they are close to achieve a moratorium on new fossil fuel export facilities in Whatcom County. Big oil does everything to bully the community by threatening lawsuits and even by trying to buy elections as this could set a precedence for other communities.

Lokaler Widerstand vor Ort

Category: general,
Source: action,
Link: about:blank,
Language: de,

In Louisiana, USA wurden Strafverfolgungsbeamte des Staates illegal als private Sicherheitskräfte angeheuert, um ein Ölpipelineprojekt für gefracktes Öl gegen Privatpersonen durchzusetzen. Sehen Sie sich das Video an und lesen Sie den Artikel in den Dallas Morning News. Unterstützen Sie den Widerstand von L’eau est la vie am besten direkt.

Auch die Mitglieder von könnten eine Unterstützung gut gebrauchen, da sie kurz davor sind, ein Moratorium für neue Exportanlagen für fossile Brennstoffe in Whatcom County zu erreichen. Big Oil unternimmt hier alles, um die Gemeinde zu schikanieren, indem es mit Klagen droht und sogar versucht, Wahlen zu kaufen. Das Erreichte könnte für andere Gemeinden zum Vorbild werden.