little monkey

by Elws. Starnight

Charge Bolsonaro / Save the Yanomami!

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: en,
We have already reported that Allrise has brought charges against Bolsonaro at the ICJ for crimes against humanity. Avaaz is now calling for support for the approval of the indictment. This could stop a future president of Brazil from destroying the Amazon and committing human rights violations. In 2020 we called for action on #MinersOutCovidOut and almost half a million people did sign it. Unfortunately Bolsonaro has done in deed nothing to stop the illegal gold diggers from bringing death, destruction, mercury contamination and disease to the Yanomami people; sign again!.

Bolsonaro auf die Anklagebank / Schutz den Yanomami!

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: de,
Wir haben bereits berichtet, daß Allrise am IGH Anklage gegen Bolsonaro wegen Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit erhoben hat. Avaaz ruft nun dazu auf die Genehmigung der Anklage zu unterstützen. Das könnte einem künftigen Präsidenten Brasiliens Einhalt dabei gebieten den Amazonas zu zerstören und Menschenrechtsverletzungen zu begehen. Im Jahr 2020 haben wir zur Aktion #MinersOutCovidOut aufgerufen und es haben fast eine halbe Million Menschen unterschrieben. Bolsonaro hat aber rein gar nichts getan, um die illegalen Goldgräber davon abzuhalten den Yanomami Tod, Zerstörung, Quecksilber-Verseuchung und Krankheit zu bringen; unterschreiben Sie erneut!

¡El abogado de derechos humanos Steven Donziger liberado de prisión!

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: es,
Steven Donziger, abogado de derechos humanos, fue puesto en libertad y bajo arresto domiciliario. Este es un éxito de sus defensores, pero sigue estando muy lejos de lo que seria la justicia. El primer prosecución corporativo en la historia de los EE.UU. es una muy mala farsa de la (in)justicia: Steven Donziger simplemente cumplió con su deber defendiendo a 30.000 indígenas y campesinos de las violaciones de derechos humanos de Chevron. Hasta ahora sólo se concía algo parecido de China y Rusia.

Advogado de direitos humanos Steven Donziger libertado da prisão!

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: pt,
O advogado de direitos humanos Steven Donziger foi libertado da prisão e colocado sob prisão domiciliária. Isto é um sucesso para os seus defensores, mas ainda longe do que seria a justiça. A primeiro processo penal empresarial na história dos EUA é uma péssima farsa da (in)justiça: Steven Donziger estava apenas a cumprir o seu dever quando defendeu 30.000 indigenas e camponeses contra as violações dos direitos humanos da Chevron. Algo parecido só era anteriormente conhecido da China e da Rússia.

Human rights lawyer Steven Donziger is out of prison!

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: en,
Human rights lawyer Steven Donziger has been released from prison into home confinement. This is a success of the people who support him but at the same time far from a glimpse of justice. The first corporate prosecution in US history is a very bad travesty of (in)justice: Steven Donziger just did his duty to defend the Ecuadorian people against Chevron´s human right crime affecting 30,000 indigenous people and campesinos. Up to now the process has rather compared to what we know from China or Russia otherwise.