little monkey

by Elws. Starnight

2015: 185 Environmental and Land Defenders murdered

Categoría: general,
Origen: info,
Idioma: en,

In 2015 more than 185 environmentalists and land defenders have been murdered; about 40% of them were natives defending their ancestral land. This is more than ever before and more than twice as much as in 2014. Brazil, Peru, the Philippines, Colombia and Honduras are among the most dangerous countries. The people had to go for mining, agribusiness, hydropower projects and forest clearing. Global Witness identified this to be coherent with a deteriorated, worldwide infringement of freedom of expression, opinion and assembly as well as the attempts to deprive organizations of civil society from their financial basis.

related links:

11 Tips to Save us from unnecessary Plastic

Categoría: general,
Origen: info,
Idioma: en,
Do something good for you and the environment by avoiding unnecessary plastic litter. Whether microplastics and litter contaminate our sea or whether it harms or affects your health negatively through articles of daily use we can show you what to do for various areas of live.

Online RSS Viewer, Improved Version

Categoría: general,
Origen: info,
Idioma: en,

Since today in the morning a new version of our online RSS viewer has been put online after a few gradual updates. Among the newly supported features are a pre-selection of all messages which have been translated into English as well as a previous/next menu which can be used to jump to related messsages. The menu will become active when you move the mouse over the type tag which can be one of 'new'/'update'. Besides this several bugs which had been introduced by an erroneous update of ViewRSS shall now be resolved.

Whenever you want to give a link to one of our messages we still wanna ask you to use the now correctly working PickUpLink for this purpose. Please change any existing link of you to not contain the 'number' or 'start' parameter in its URL for ViewRSS; '#NN' and 'guid=NN' should also match.

If you should still find an error or you should have a new idea for ViewRSS please do not hesitate to contact us. Some SEO optimizations as well as the split-out of messages of previous years into an own feed have been carried out as well. Our own XML schema offering the advanced features for our RSS viewer has been updated in consonance.

EU Commission wants Tax Payers’ Money for Nuclear

Categoría: general,
Origen: action,
Idioma: en,

A recently leaked discussion paper from the European Commission makes the industry’s ambitions clear: they want support for dangerous nuclear power, and they want it from EU taxpayers’ money.

Next week, on 6th of June 2016 the EU energy ministers are meeting. We have to use this moment to shout out loudly against nuclear power in Europe. Let’s tell our ministers and the Commission to drop all plans to support the nuclear power industry in their expensive gambles with our tax money - and with our health!

to the petition at

Ban Glyphosate Forever / Schluß mit Glyphosat !

Categoría: general,
Origen: action,
Idiomas: en, de,

en: After the re-admission for Glyphosate has failed thanks to the protest of people the EU-Commission still wants to extend the current admission for one or two years; let us stop them! - petition at

de: Nachdem eine Neuzulassung von Glyphosat für 7 Jahre dank entsprechender Proteste der Bevölkerung gescheitert ist, versucht es jetzt die EU-Kommission mit einer Verlängerung um ein oder zwei Jahre: Petition auf , Petition auf SumOfUs.