little monkey

by Elws. Starnight

100% Organic Farming would be Possible in Austria

Categoría: general,
Origen: info,
Idioma: en,

Austria could be supplied with 100% of food from organic farming when reducing the waste of food by 25% or the meat consumption by 10%. The public sector could foster organic farming by a better allocation of existing subsidies and by serving organic food at public institutions like school.

Unfortunately the use of slag from mining which contains heavy metals is still allowed for building streets in Austria.

Film: The Borneo Case

Categoría: general,
Origen: info,
Idioma: en,
The film 'The Borneo Case' is now online at the homepage of arte. The film itself is in German while 5 short films about the background are in English with German subtitles (1/5 - 5/5). It shows the successful fight of people around the Bruno Manser Fonds and at Radio Free Sarawak lead by Clare Rewcastle Brown against the curruption of the Taib family in Malaysia which is tied to forest destruction, illegal logging and the creation of new palm oil plantations. The revelations have been successful so far so that minister president and minister for finance and forestry Abdul Taib Mahmud has resigned after protests. The new minister for forestry said that he does not want to give new permissions for logging and oil palm plantations in Sarawak.

Tell Chevron's New CEO to Finally Clean up Ecuador!

Categoría: general,
Origen: action,
Idioma: en,
Chevron's new CEO Michael Wirth has an opportunity to break with his company's sordid past and cease any legal actions against the very people it has poisoned. Chevron (that time under the name Texaco) has deliberately spilt millions of liters of toxic waste from oil production into rivers and lakes in Ecuador instead of putting back the toxic waste into the ground as this was state of the art when Texaco was drilling.

Stop Pruitt From Censoring Crucial Science at the EPA

Categoría: general,
Origen: action,
Idioma: en,
EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt wants to grant himself the power to censor crucial scientific research at the EPA, the United States Environmental Protection Agency. If Pruitt gets his way, he will be the sole decider of what research is and isn’t considered when the EPA is supposed to set lifesaving health standards.

Death Penalty for Being Raped

Categoría: general,
Origen: action,
Idioma: en,
Noura Hussein was just 16 when she was raped by a man she had been forced to marry. She was brave and has killed the rapist at the second attempt. We believe that Noura Hussein should be completely absolved. Instead she is sentenced to death in Sudan.