The 6th round of TTIP negotiations will be held in Brussels from the 14th to the 18th of July.

This is the time to make our voices heard.
To expose what is trying to be kept secret.
To force the main stream media to cover it.
To inform people what threat it poses for our future and that of the planet.
To spread the call to action of the 11th of October.
To inspire citizens to fight back.

Let’s show how many of us want this agreement to stop now.

Join the international twitter storm…and make your voice heard!

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How does it work?

Wednesday the 16th we will start tweeting all together with the same # at the same time (9am UTC/GMT, 10am UK, 11am Central Europe, 12pm Eastern Europe*)

*time converter:

If we are enough, we might trend, if not, we will still reach many people!

What #? What shall I tweet?

Just before the agreed time we will update the link below with the common # and suggested tweets.
Do copy and paste them as much as you like, they are for everyone to use!

Do you have some to suggest yourself?

Just post them in the comments and the best will be added to the list!

And of course, do improvise during the storm. The more tweets the better, as long as we all use the same #.

What can we do to make the # trend?

DO invite as many people as possible to participate.
DO start on time, not to early, not to late.
DO use the same suggested #
DON’T retweet - that won’t make it trend.
DO copy&paste...steal the tweets!

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What can I do to get people involved?

1. Invite people to this event page:

2. Copy and paste the text of the facebook page into an email and send it through your networks

3. Send the following direct message to some of your followers, especially those with large accounts!

A twitterstorm against TTIP is planned for July 16th. Info here: # will be shared a few minutes before. Do join!

4. Promote the twitterstorm through twitter